Cute and colourful hand sanitiser pouches with a keyring.
You can attach the keyring to your bag or keys and have it handy when you need to sanitise your hands.
The neoprene cases stretches just enough to allow a 30ml PETG plastic bottle to snuggle inside.
They can be personalised with the first letter of your name or a little vinyl, so you know which one is yours.
The 30ml PETG plastic bottle comes either empty or full of hand sanitiser gel -
MÓR 70% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel.
Technical Information:
MÓR Hand Sanitiser made with 70% Ethanol to the World Health Organisation
Technical Information:ór-Hand-Sanitiser-SDS.pdf
Fully approved, and regulated biocide PCS Number 100305.
Classification according to EC 1272/2008 (CLP/GHS).
A variety of colours is available